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About me

I am a multidimensional holistic teacher, therapist and counselor. I consider myself an activator of consciences and I try to help those who want to evolve, to be co-creators of their life in a conscious, loving and compassionate way.

In my therapies, each Being is taken care in the appropriate way for one's current state and in accordance with one's Supreme Good. The Being is treated in an integral way, approaching one's Multidimensional Self. We all have Divine Mastery within us in our Sacred Heart. I always like to remember that healing only happens when there is love, compassion, tolerance, surrender and gratitude in the person receiving the therapy. The result is not always what the personality / ego wants, but what the SELF needs. ;)

In my courses, I seek to bring love, light and information that will enable students to empower themselves and be sovereign of their whole Being. We are all teachers and learners simultaneously, no one is above no one. :)

I help as the channel that I AM, but it is you, friendly soul, who heal yourself when you surrender and trust in your Divine Essence, in your Higher Self. Everything happens in the right way and at the right time, according to the will of your Higher Self. And so it is!

About the project

The project «Seeking the Union» emerged from my own process of reunion with my Presence I AM. This is the result of my journey, towards my path of ascension; a daily search in the innermost depths of my Being.

The path of Ascension, of Union, must be made in a conscious, joyful way, in communion with the presence I AM WHAT I AM that exists in everything. First of all, it must be done with ourselves, surrendering our heart, mind and will to the divine, seeing who we really are; and then being able to really see God/Mother/Father's presence in all beings around us, in all that is.

To BE is to live by the heart, aligned with the divine will. AND SO IT IS!


In gratitude to the Source of All That Is,

Anabela Marques da Silva

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