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Here you can find several material that you can download for free and other useful information. I always like to remind that any tool (be it a therapy, meditation, decree, shield, crystal, mantra, etc.) is just a complement. Healing really manifests itself when the person does his/her own inner work from the heart, feeling, rather than staying in the mind. I wish you a great journey of inner discovery. Love and light! Anabela

PDF "The Crystal Stair – A Guide to Ascension" - Eric Klein   NOTE: 1 file with the book digitalization + 1 file with the Preface & Introduction


"Telos 1 - Revelations of the new Lemuria" - Aurelia Louise Jones

"Telos 2 - Messages for the enlightenment of a humanity in transformation" - Aurelia Louise Jones

"Telos 3 - Protocols of the Fifth Dimension" - Aurelia Louise Jones

"The Seven Sacred Flames" - Aurelia Louise Jones

Decrees / Prayers / Mantras:

PDF Cosmic Revitalization (declaration of divine sovereignty, rescission of negative pacts, reinforcement and protection of energy)


Rays and Sacred Flames:

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©2020-2024 Anabela Marques da Silva

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