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Violet Flame for World Peace (Appeal to the population)!

Friends, first of all, gratitude to all who have contributed by their invocation of the Violet Flame in past appeals. Not only has there been great progress in cleaning up the Israeli-Palestinian area, but great damages by the negatives have been avoided at the time of the Summer Solstice. Thank God! WE ARE ONE! :)

The advances of the Light Forces continue, but so do the resistances of the negatives who try to survive and continue their agendas. The negatives have been using climate control technology, causing floods and other "natural disasters" around the globe. All this affects the consciousness of the elementals of our planet, and so the elementals need our help, love, compassion and gratitude as we invoke the Violet Flame.

In addition, tomorrow Saturday, July 24th, several global manifestations against the measures taken because of the "pandemic" are scheduled. We need to unite our hearts, show our love and compassion, asking for peace and restoration of truth and freedom for all of us and the planet.

Therefore, the Light Forces appeal to all beings (who feel the call) to, tomorrow July 24th, at noon (local time), make your invocation with the Violet Flame. Begin by visualizing it first in yourselves, then in your homes, localities, countries, our planet and entire Solar System. TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER!!! :)

When visualizing it in yourself, you can strengthen your protection and cleansing by using the following and powerful DECREE OF THE VIOLET FLAME:

« I AM a being of Violet Fire, I AM the purity God desires. My heart is a chakra of Violet Fire, my heart is the purity God desires. Violet fire, thou love divine, blaze within this heart of mine! Thou art mercy forever true, keep me always in tune with you. And so it is! » - adapted from the book "Alchemy of the Heart" of Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

This link has an example of Meditation with the Violet Flame:

Share with your contacts, the more we meditate, the greater this transmuting force will become. Because yes, we are ONE!

With Gratitude, Love and Light,



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