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Welcome to «Seeking the Union»

Project dedicated to healing and preparation for Ascension.

This project is entirely dedicated to healing and preparation for Ascension.

Because Ascension is an aspiration that must exist within the Being itself, on this site you will find information and tools that can help you work towards your own Ascension.

I wish you an excellent Search for the Union. So be it! :)

Agenda of Activities
curso de leitura de aura

Aura Reading Course


5 months

(1 weekend per month)

October to March

(in English)

Curso Terapeuta CSD

HGP Therapist Course

In Presence


For now the course

is only available

in Portuguese

Trindade 252x233.png

Rose Meditation 1


Weekend of

July 27th and 28th

from 9h30 to 17h GMT

(in english)

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©2020-2024 Anabela Marques da Silva

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