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Possessions (Obsessions)

Dear friends, today I'm going to talk about a subject that is taboo for many: Possessions (also known as Obsessions).

Most people are familiar with the movie “The Exorcist”, but this movie was deliberately exaggerated to keep people afraid of what is Spiritual. Even today there are people who, when we talk to them about the Spirit, don't even want to hear about it. They have no idea that we are not humans with spiritual experiences, but spirits with human experiences. :)

After all, are there possessions or not?

Yes, there are, but not all of them take place as portrayed in the movie described above; that is, that a demon enters the body of a human being and, on top of that, rotates the body's head 360º, which is ridiculous!

There are cases of “bursting” possession of the body, especially when carried out through satanic rituals, which include constant torture and black magic, to purposely control a demon (or other non-human entity) and make it enter the victim's body. Torture can cause the victim's spirit to leave the body, leaving the shell empty and thus allowing the entity to enter; or even allow the entity to enter and co-habit with the victim's spirit in his/her body. (1)

(1) Note: Cases in which there are 2 spirits in the same body can lead to Bipolar disorder. Cases where there are more than 2 spirits in the body can lead to Schizophrenia.

Demons are not from the lower astral (4D), but from the underworld (2D). In addition to these, we also have non-human entities (2D and 4D) (reptilians, draconians, serpents, spiders, archons...) who can also possess humans. However, most of these possessions do not come from 4D but from 2D. Many (not all) of these entities have been banished to the underworld, have regressed to such an extent that they have lost their form and have become authentic parasites of human emotions. These entities don't want to evolve and, in order to survive in energetic terms, they feed on the low emotions of humans who still have unhealed traumas, pain, anger, etc. It's a case of saying that possession doesn't come from outside, but from within; many of these low energies live within us.

We have a 2D emotional body which is connected to our 2nd chakra (for more information, click here).

All human beings experience possessions on a daily basis without realizing it. This is the case when they get angry, irritated, revolted, fall into addictions (of any kind), fanaticism, idolatry, judgments, pessimism, arrogance, victimization, among other low emotions, even euphoria. Yeah, euphoria is not positive, now look at what happens around competitive games, celebrity concerts, festivals where psychotropic drugs are used, political campaigns, “holy wars”, etc! Possession doesn't always imply possession of the whole body, it can be an emotional/mental possession (i.e. of the soul). Generally, the entity attaches itself to the lower chakras and feeds off its host's negative emotions. These will trigger negative thoughts, which is why the possession is emotional/mental. The bottom right corner of the illustration accompanying this article portrays a reptilian entity (of lower 4D) attached to the 2nd and 3rd chakras of an incarnate human being.

Gradual possessions of the body can also occur with these entities, depending on the bad habits and “bad temper” of the human being, who remains in his/her negative ego throughout life. Possession first begins in the soul until it starts to take shape in the body, causing its DNA to merge with the human's DNA. Changes can even be noticed in the physical structure of the human being, becoming more rigid, sometimes armored. In these cases, it is not possible to remove the entity from the physical body, as it can die instantly. I know of one such case, a man possessed by a draconian (already in advanced fusion of the DNA of both) and, curiously, the draconian is there to learn what compassion is. Reptilians and draconians don't have a heart chakra (2), so this learning is taking place because their etheric bodies are fused and therefore the draconian is connected to the man's heart chakra.

(2) Note: About 6 or 7 years ago, the Mother Goddess, in her Infinite Love for ALL her Children, established a change in the Divine Matrix so that the reptilians and draconians could develop and integrate a heart chakra in them, in their work of remission. At that time, especially those who are hybrids (human/reptilians) were able to integrate this energy more easily, as there are many incarnate hybrids who don't follow the negative principles of domination and control of their ancestors and are doing their best to evolve. But, of course, there are also those who simply want to remain as they are. It is what it is! By the way, there are hybrid shapeshifters (i.e. those who can change their 3D hologram, what we call the physical body). They have a gene that allows them to change, but not all hybrids have it. The upper part of the illustration, which accompanies this article, portrays stages of this change in physical form.

Then there are also possessions by disincarnate humans in the lower 4D. They usually attach themselves to incarnate humans with the same addiction as them (either to feel the pleasure of the smell/taste of tobacco, drugs, alcohol, etc.). Other cases, such as an addiction to sex, or a distorted sexuality (sadomasochism, pedophilia, necrophilia, zoophilia, etc.), generally attract reptilian or draconian entities (who take over the deturper and feed off the sexual energy transmitted in these acts).

Nowadays, with advanced alien mind control technology, we also have possessions of the psyche, as there are signals that are sent to the human brain and mind and that can even control the body as if they were automatons. We also have the application of nanites and chips in human bodies, either interdimensionally or directly through vaccines (for more information, click here). Behind all this is AI and transhumanism is the ultimate possession, because to lose our consciousness and soul to an artificial life form is to lose our inner divinity, our Divine Essence.

Finally, I would like to point out that channeling through incorporation is also a form of possession. Although temporary, it also leaves residues of the entity's etheric DNA in the human being, so it is not advisable at all. Guides of light never enter our aura, and much less our bodies.

So what to do to get rid of possessions?

Use meditation, cleansing, protection and spiritual development tools on a daily basis; observe yourself frequently and review your values, beliefs, habits, behaviors, negative ego patterns and, of course, ask your guides for spiritual help, seek therapeutic, psychological help, develop love, forgiveness and compassion...! Standing still or burying our heads in the sand like ostriches is not the solution! Information is power and what we do with it depends on each one of us.

I hope to have brought a little more light and clarification to this subject. So be it. Blessings.

May Profound Peace Be With You! PAX!


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