Dear friends, today I'm going to talk about a system of mind control that has been applied over humanity, called the G.O.A.T. Mind (God Of All Things). This acronym has nothing to do with the Divine Mind, but rather with the Hive Mind of the CAI, because the beings of the NAA - Negative Alien Agenda - see this CAI as their "God". This system is based on red cube artificial intelligence technology and is also linked to false Metatronic geometry.
This article contains my experience (notes in violet), but the main source of this article is Lisa Renee's Ascension Glossary: The image below was taken from that same article. The text taken from the article is shown in blue.
« There was a significant bifurcation event in the planetary fields at the end of 2015, which began the ramp up of AI Signal frequencies and cube technologies being used by the Controllers for directly targeting the human Limbic System in order to incite a range of fear-based unconscious impulses in the masses. [...]
The purpose of directing covert electromagnetic targeting towards the sympathetic nervous system is to trigger distortions within the unconscious mind layers to form the GOAT mind algorithms to spur uncontrollable impulses in the limbic system that overwhelm and then take over brain function (1). G.O.A.T. represents God of All Things to the satanists and Luciferians, who commonly refer to goats or use goat heads (2) in their rituals.. [...]
(1) and (2) Note Anabela: This control can occur in unconsciously distorted New Age spiritual projects, where the minds of their members are affected by this technology. As I've already experienced this in a project where I was integrated, I can describe this domain as a mind sweep. Often I wanted to speak and this sweep would clear my mind and I would either forget what I was going to say, or get muddled in my thoughts and not be able to speak. When I left this project in 2022, later, when I went for a Feminine Energy Aura Reading, the aura reader saw a goat's head in my womb (because the idea was to prevent the manifestation of my feminine power in the project), during the reading, in addition to a Luciferian consciousness as I described in the article Solar Mother-Goddess Vs False Lunar Goddess.
The GOAT Mind agenda is stimulating lower instinctual impulses and uncontrolled reactions by running an AI algorithm in the Limbic System in order to incite irrational fears and emotional hysteria for the purpose of Controlling Perception, blocking multidimensional awareness and preventing Ascension in the masses (3). This GOAT mind can be observed as an energetic signature that appears as an electronic laser symbol brand, mark of the beast curse or goat head sigil emblazoned on top of the crown or written on top of the brain of that individual. This goat head symbol has been observed on the brains of those that have taken the mRNA injection and then died as a result, this was observed when on special rescue operations orchestrated by Defender Guardian forces.
The Controller goal is to confuse the masses with artificial algorithms targeting the brain’s limbic system for a variety of impacts to bring on the GOAT brain distortion. One such agenda is to use limbic and amygdala manipulation in order to insert false memories and false identities with emotional body imprints, which open many possibilities for manipulating cloned light holograms by negative entities. In spiritual people this is being weaponized against their undisciplined impulses and unhealed Pain Body issues, so they cannot tell the difference between an authentic spiritual identity and negative alien imposters pretending to be a benevolent light being, when they are emotionally manipulating the target through Holographic Inserts. [...]
(3) Note Anabela: I have observed that this algorithm can not only incite irrational fears, but can also act on the deepest desires of the person's ego. It exerts such a great force on the person, that he/she thinks it is divine, and forces the person to let this force in, because this algorithm leads him/her to believe that he/she is consciously in ego and going against the divine will. This process can result in the person losing their identity and their consciousness being taken over by a non-organic entity.
The Lightbody mutations which form GOAT Brain algorithms and automated reactions are directly linked into the solar plexus and 3D Conscious Mind matrix, which is designed in the lightbody to hold the core plasma body center. By attacking the Solar Plexus and conscious mind matrix of the masses with the GOAT algorithm, it interferes with and distorts the physical body anatomy. Causing it to reject the seating of the authentic higher spiritual identity, thus repelling the organic plasma body through the running of reversal plasmas in the vertical channel or meridians. [...]
Over the past few years, it was noticed that some people felt as if their head was screwed on backwards and that they were facing into the wrong direction, moving towards the past timelines in a descending spiral. We discovered that the massive distortions of the unhealed and undisciplined Negative Ego greatly increased the polarization and fragmentation of the unconscious, instinctual and conscious minds to such levels the Lightbody anatomy became negatively entrained and then completely overwhelmed with very dark mutations. This state of spiritual digression with a “Fallen Tree” fully engages with the GOAT mind algorithm which intensifies the unconscious impulses and emotional hysterias, which loop in bi-polar states and feed severe addictions and possessions. When the state of negative entrainment with GOAT brain tipped the lightbody over 55 percent and filled it with extremely dark mutations, the energy field of that individual appears to have flipped over into full reversal positioning in an AI time loop that faces into the past timeline. Further, once the individual’s lightbody goes into full reversal so do their brain hemispheres, generating false right and false left positioning in the timeline. [...]
Unfortunately, the Controllers are exploiting this severe spiritual distortion in every way possible by giving individuals with GOAT Brain that have embodied time loop reversals into past timelines a celebrity like status, to lead the sleeping masses that are following them into the past timeline loop. It is important to note that the most unstable and incoherent GOAT minds are given a media platform in which massive amounts of money are thrown at them, rewarding them for their incoherent and depraved GOAT mind satanic behaviors which the Controllers want to spread into the masses. The global plandemic was the cover agenda for inciting the fight or flight (4) autonomic system to activate the GOAT mind in the masses through the belief in a fraudulent virulent killer disease. This psychological operation was supplemented with the AI mind control running CV (5) algorithms into the environment for the purpose of triggering the limbic system into continual looping fears, plummeting the consciousness of the masses into the lowest and densest frequency states. If this is not corrected, this can flip that individual into a complete inner reversal in which their lightbody will blend with vampiric time loops sending them into their past timeline and causing visible personality changes.
The antidote to GOAT mind algorithms is clearing the Negative Ego and Pain Body, refocusing your mind thereby controlling lower impulses, by working the many tools available to still your mind and open your heart to God.
Notes Anabela:
(4) - "Fight or flight" is an automatic physiological reaction to something that is perceived as stressful or threatening. The perception of threat activates the sympathetic nervous system and triggers an acute stress response that prepares the body to fight or flight. In this state, the immune system stops, as the body automatically focuses its strength on the upper and lower limbs in case it is necessary to fight or flight.
(5) - For more informations, see article 12D Shield + Violet Flame vs 5G/CAI
Limbic System and Spiritual Connection
The limbic system structures in the brain are extremely important for connecting with our emotional and spiritual experiences, as it functions to interpret our emotions and feeling responses connected to higher sensory perception, as well as storing memories. This area of our brain is wired directly with our Soul matrix which is our higher emotional sensory body, that when spiritually activated connects into our heart-brain complex which creates natural feelings of Empathy. Humans need a healthy brain with a functioning limbic system and Bio-Neurology that is not being assaulted by artificial mind control frequencies and neurological toxins, in order to experience compassionate empathy and achieve higher consciousness or enlightenment. Starseed people tend to be natural empaths because they have unique neural profiles in which their limbic system actually functions at higher levels to communicate with their heart center.
The Controllers want to destroy the emotional functions and higher sensory experiences connected to spiritual experiences that are provided by healthy human brains by targeting our bio-neurology with an assortment of energetic and physical neuro-toxins. Recent events reveal to us yet again another aggressive attempt to destroy the healthy functioning in the human brain and nervous system, with a full spectrum assault targeting the limbic system through blaring fear (6) Propaganda that we cannot escape.
(6) Note Anabela: Fear affects our Root Chakra, which is physically associated with the lymphatic system, skeleton and excretory system. This chakra is related to our survival instinct, fears, anger, security, possession, trust, connection to the Earth, mother, vitality, relationship with money, family and work. It is linked to the subconscious mind, which manages: cellular memory, the elementary functions of the physical body, to what we call 1D. »
I hope this information has been useful to you. Please stay alert and take care of your energy, your heart, mind, body and soul.