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Laura Marie - "Expansion of the Human Race Collective"

Dear friends, today I'm bringing you news from Ascension, with the August newsletter from Laura Marie, of the project Harmonic Universe Academy. PS: I've added a few personal notes in violet. Blessings, Anabela.

« Dear Ascending Family,

We're experiencing massive timeline jumps, towards the highest probable timeline for us and for the Earth. On an individual level, this is as if we are being propelled towards our next highest probability of expression on this Earth, as Light Beings. That is, the impulse towards self-realization, the impulse to upgrade the self to an even greater capacity. This can be translated into significant breakthroughs in our lives, which can be catalyzed by the kind of changes that push us to grow, evolve and move forward on our true, authentic timeline and ascending opportunity. Simple agreements can be concluded between certain beings on this path in order to facilitate growth, bring help into our lives or gently push us forward. It is very positive and nourishing to see the Divine Plan in motion, in action.

Numerous Starseeds have incarnated in groups and will have the opportunity to meet again in this lifetime, to work with each other, to prepare the New Earth with each other, to build the new architectures with each other in conscious communities, in unified cooperation. And this begins with developing our abilities on a deeper level, so that we can better serve the whole.

When we feel guided towards new skills, we evolve into a new version of ourselves, better able to bring the messages of our Higher Self into this World. We develop skills that help our Higher Self to be more present here, to bring its message to this World. In this sense, this period in which we are experiencing massive growth, in which we are moving towards our true timeline of authentic Ascension, of our greater probability of expression, encourages us to develop new skills that will allow us to share even more of our message with this World, the message of our Soul, what it has come to bring to this World through its divine abilities, its divine gifts and its divine mission.

The people we meet in our lives are there to trigger change, growth, self-reflection and the desire to make a choice. If we see all relationships as opportunities for growth, we can take the best of them and not get upset when things don't go as we wish.

We are all free beings, experiencing the free will of choice on this Earth. Especially in this cycle, where we have come with a mission, an intention to fulfill. Choices must be made in everything in our daily lives and it is our responsibility to ensure that they are aligned with our highest probability of expression in this life, as a Soul. The highest fulfillment of our Soul's purpose in our daily decisions, in our daily behavior. And the best way to verify this is to always make sure that we are aligned with the principles of the Law of One in our daily interactions, decisions, actions and choices. This is the only way to avoid falling into the traps of the ego and all the programs that are there to destroy our integrity, our inherent harmony, the organic and original fluidity of manifestation when we are aligned with our Soul, our purpose and our intention.

We are merging with our higher aspects at the moment, and this can feel like we are becoming whole again, merging with all our identities in this life and in other lives. This is what we call the realization of the personal Christ Self. Descending our highest parts into this physical human body, for a complete resurrection and the activation of all our potential in our DNA. Thus becoming a stellar human being. A human being who has rediscovered and redeveloped his ability to be multidimensional, to coexist in the different aspects and portals of his own consciousness, through the activation of his DNA, through the activation of his divine genome, in other words, the expansion beyond the third chakra, which is the main focus of attention in this current human society, the material plane only. A life deprived of higher sensory perceptions, heart connection, soul connection, soul expression, expression of the higher spirit and the higher voice.

How limited reality becomes when we function in this way as a civilization. And how urgent it is to break this prism of reading and experiencing reality in a restricted way. Because it's actually destructive for our soul to experience such a limited version of ourselves over a long period of time. This is what leads to the fracturing of the soul, to illness, depression, to feeling disconnected from God, and now we have the opportunity to rise again to our true Destiny, which is to become cosmic Christs again, to ascend again as the Family of Light that will bring transformation to this planet, through an immense will to take civilization to its next stage of expansion.

The Cosmic Christ is a state of self-realization that brings us closer to God, that merges us with God, in the sense that we are One with our highest intentions and can be a vehicle for the highest frequencies and probabilities of manifestation of the Divine, wherever we incarnate. In other words, our vehicle, whatever its form - human, animal, extraterrestrial or even etheric - can be used as the highest probable expression of Divine Love and Divine Compassion in action, to serve the greater whole.

The Being knows how to discern the different types of frequencies that exist in this Universe, and consciously choose those with which s/he wants to align, from which s/he wants to operate. This is what learning the World of Forces teaches us and allows us to do as Souls in the Cosmos. And Earth is one of the greatest schools for learning this, for perfecting this in the Universe. Because Earth has been a prison planet where Souls have lost their Free Will, where Souls have become slaves to the point of not even being aware of their disconnection from God.

Ascension is the realization that we are merging once again with the Fields of God, with our true cosmic identity, and that the time has come for a complete resurrection on the other side of the veil of illusion of the fallen matrix that is crumbling before our eyes, a little more each passing day. It is very important that this happens, because it will be a moment in human History that we will consider to be the most liberating in the History of Humanity. The dawn of the highest levels of transformation that this civilization has known for a long time. The plunge back into the spiritual realms, and the understanding of our multidimensionality and the true situation between the different races existing in this Universe.

This is the real context in which we live. This is such a great opportunity to Grow that we must be truly grateful for it, in recognition of this opportunity that we ourselves have chosen to live, to be in the front row of this personal and collective transformation, as an actor in it, and not just as a spectator. We are on the threshold of the fall of the old structures that govern our old world. And many of us, Light Beings of the Future, have come here to build the new society in alignment with the Laws of this Universe, which are organic to our existence.

We came here to change the way humans perceive reality, manage their civilization, see themselves, behave, to make them realize more and more that they are their own healers, that they are their own manifestators of their reality and that they can be part of the evolution of civilization. At the same time, understanding their individual responsibility to heal first in order to then heal the Collective.

The numerous Light Beings who are here are the catalysts for this change. And we must never forget that we must not merge with, or adopt the anti-life behaviors that are here, or programs, and free ourselves from them, operate from the true Laws that we know about how this organic existence should work. In other words, to live from a higher state of consciousness, the one from which we originally came and which we have descended into here in this human form for the resurrection of these prototypes, for the advancement of this civilization.

This is our cosmic project. As Elohims, Ascended Beings, the most advanced souls who have come here to lend a hand to human civilization and its expansion. Staying focused on our highest purpose allows us to always go beyond the obstacles of this physical dimension and this reality.

Patience, perseverance and a deep understanding of our true abilities to overcome these obstacles are the keys to our personal fulfillment here. A profound trust in a higher purpose for being here, a profound trust in the Divine Forces that guide us every day through our connection with God through our Sacred Crystal Heart, with the Kingdom of God, is the key to a constant, consistent and powerful inner impulse, an unshakeable Strength and an ability to resurrect, difficulty after difficulty, to be reborn and regenerated on the other side of the pain.

It is our true capacity as the Cosmic Christ. The possibilities for expansion that we have in this life are limitless. It's up to us to be ready and willing to overcome our fears in order to explore what is unknown in ourselves and in this existence. Overcoming our fears is the key to self-realization, as we know. It is everything. To do this, we really need to be able to identify when fear is limiting or blocking us in our daily lives, and when we are not allowing ourselves to explore what might be possible beyond that fear. The opportunity for expansion that exists and can exist for us and for the Collective.

If Unity is in us, then we can lead civilization towards a greater probability of expansion, and help the more advanced civilizations that are currently helping Humanity through various representatives incarnated here. This will help us, it will help civilization to join the Interdimensional Councils of Free Worlds. But in the years to come, first hidden from the public, then, many years later, known to the public, when the Space Force that this civilization already possesses is known to all, when the Space presence and the Space Connection with other Galactic Races is known to all of us.

That day is getting closer and closer to manifesting on this plane of reality, and we must always maintain that ultimate goal for the human race, to merge with what is higher, to join the benevolent Higher Races and Councils who can then unite to protect this Earth from further invasion. Because that is the ultimate goal for which we are all here. To defend this Earth as the true Guardians that we are. To defend and protect this Earth from invasion, colonization and slavery, and from the Trafficking of human beings and our beloved animal species. (1)

(1) Note Anabela: This is a reality very much present in the negative Secret Space Programs based on agreements made between the terrestrial military and corporations and non-benevolent aliens. There has been a great struggle between the Light Beings and the NAA/AI to liberate this planet, solar system, galaxy and even the universe once and for all.

As Protectors of the Living Light Library, many of us have come here from all over the cosmos, from different galaxies, to protect the Living Light Library, some of us for many lifetimes. That's how dear this planet is to us, and we must never forget that in our most difficult moments. The true higher purpose of our presence here, because that is what gives us the Strength to carry on, no matter what.

I hope these words transmit to you the true power you inherently have in knowing who you are and why you are here. You don't need to know the specific details. You don't need to know all the specific details of your mission to start moving towards a greater purpose in your life, a greater expression of your soul through this physical body.

We must be ready for the Final Battle on this Earth, to be One as a Defense Group on this Earth, of the Cosmos, protecting Humanity, protecting all the Kingdoms of this Earth, which are truly organic to this planet and which have been sown by the many benevolent races throughout the Ages, which we will not allow to be destroyed by the negative alien races, by the oppressors of Humanity.

We are the true Defenders, the Light Warriors in its true sense and meaning, defending the Light, protecting the Light against the darkness that wants to drain it, destroy it in every human being, extinguishing the inner flame that connects them to God. And the recent events we have witnessed on this planet, through the Olympic Games, have shown us just how dark the people who run this planet are. What are their true intentions in extinguishing the inner flame in each of us that connects us directly to God?

May these words bring you peace and comfort that we are truly moving towards liberation. We have never been so close to seeing this matrix collapse and these forces exposed in their most disgusting and repulsive facade. May we pray for peace and stability for this planet. May we be a transmitter of the highest frequencies of Hope, Strength and Courage to send these frequencies to Earth, so that those who need them can access them, feel them through our field, through our divine field and hold on to them instead of falling into despair. We have never been so close to the physical and spiritual liberation of humanity. It will only take one more step, the true global realization of the current Space Force that humanity has already put in place to defend its planet. And for this to happen, we have to let certain events take place before this becomes a reality, and let the specific people who have been put in place for this, who are put in place for this disclosure event. That is, whether or not we like these people for what they represent, we must understand that there is a greater orchestration of things in the Divine Plan. That certain things have to happen the way they're going to happen in order for true total Cosmic Disclosure to take place.

It is possible that we will go through a partial revelation in the times to come and that will be OK. This will be part of the Divine Plan because things must happen in the most beneficial way for humanity as a whole, with the minimum of destruction, the minimum of fear, the minimum of anxiety and the minimum of panic. And for humans to achieve this, they have to start with something they can understand, something they can feel, something concrete and known, something known by their state of evolution, something their minds can grasp. And for that, they need to go through leaders they already know, people who they understand, who don't seem too alien to them.

Most individuals on this planet are not ready to understand the true cosmic context. It is a gradual process that has to be implemented on this Earth, so that individual beings can reach this realization without falling apart internally. For that could cause much more damage than being asleep. And we insist on this point. Don't force anyone to awaken before they are ready to welcome this truth into their structure, as this could break them and destroy their life, if not done correctly in what we call the Divine Timing for each of us.

This is the kind of attitude we all need to have when we carry out our Service Mission. And in this sense I hope that the information provided on this website over many years will be useful to you, because my true Intention is to help you in your Service Mission to serve the Greater Whole, to serve the liberation of this planet, to serve the full Cosmic Disclosure and to serve Unity.

The Fusion with our Higher Cosmic Identities

The Starseeds that have incarnated on this planet are activated on their personal path at every stage of their personal development. This combined with the higher frequencies we are constantly receiving through every portal and galactic alignment we go through in this process of Ascension to this Earth. The massive galactic support that we receive on a daily basis, whether through our guides, the energies, frequencies and rays of light that are sent to us from behind the Sun and through the plasma layers of the atmosphere, helps us to overcome, to move through the blockages, fears and traumas of the past at a very high speed, if we really dedicate ourselves to this healing, to this work that is the true inner work of Ascension.

We now have the opportunity to merge with our higher identities and form One Unified field of consciousness that brings together all our experiences in the Cosmos, as One pillar of Force, One pillar of Light, One pillar of geometries and skills that can then serve the greater Whole. This pillar of light can then unify with other pillars of light, and they can exchange and transmit their skills, their knowledge to each other, through unified cooperation, through the true Oneness that unites us as organic Light beings, serving the same goal, serving the same Fields, serving God.

This is the true opportunity we have, not only to liberate this planet, but also to live and experience the Alliance of many Galactic Races represented on this Earth, the merging of our abilities, the sharing of those abilities to actually help us all evolve, including all the cosmic races who will also learn from this experience on this Earth. Ascension is a great cosmic portal to evolution, it is the greatest opportunity we have to transform ourselves at the deepest levels, individually and collectively.

New Templates of Christic Relationships

Some of us are prototyping templates specifically designed to evolve the human race. There are conscious relationship templates specifically designed to evolve the human race to its next stage of development in terms of relationships aligned with the Law of One, in the sense of expansion, service to others and personal responsibility and sovereignty.

Now imagine a relationship, be it a friendship, intimate, couple or between parents and children, that respects the 7 pillars of the Law of One point by point, and the great evolution that this could bring to humanity.

  • A relationship in which both people love themselves, each other and love the others.

  • A relationship in which both people love and respect nature and the Earth.

  • A relationship in which each person is responsible for co-creating their own reality and for co-creating the reality common to all parts involved.

  • A relationship in which each person remains sovereign in one's own consciousness, while in equal Unity and Unified Cooperation between all the parts involved.

  • A relationship where everyone's goal is to expand their consciousness and grow, every day, in the service of the Greater Whole and their greater probability of expression.

These are the templates for conscious relationships that we are building. Where the common point must be personal responsibility, in healing one's own traumas and wounds, in one's behavior, so that these 7 pillars of the Law of One can live within us, flourish and expand, to create and multiply this template for Humanity.

This is the New Earth that we have come to edify, to build, the Beings of the future who already know this template perfectly, to live according to it, in alignment with the Law of the One, from which they come. This Law is encoded in us, in our DNA. Because it is the Law that allows the multiplication of virtues, the expansion of a Being and, by extension, of a civilization. A civilization can only prosper if it lives in alignment with the natural Laws of Creation. The Divine Laws that govern the entire Cosmos.

No one can reinvent it. No one can change it. No one can bend it to their own will and change it. This is how many human beings experience suffering, misery and even destruction in relationships. Because they are not aligned with these principles. They don't aim for a higher goal and so they self-destruct, self-extinguish. Because the breath of God himself is not blown into them. The breath of God Himself is not exchanged within them for an infinite flow of divine Love that animates both parts, growing together under the same Laws and towards the same Goal, that of serving their higher consciousness, that of serving a higher goal that expands both of them, or the group.

Because all of this can be applied to conscious communities. To groups of individuals working together. To groups of friends who form a divine friendship. To groups within the same biological family. Imagine all these principles placed at the heart of all these groups, and you can imagine the future of the Earth when all human beings are realigned with these principles. The possibility of co-creating paradise on Earth. Simply by being re-educated in these principles.

Now imagine schools that, instead of imposing data into the brains of human beings who have just arrived on Earth, taught out of love the Law of One to children. Life in community. High moral values. And the notion of the responsibility that we all have towards the Greater Whole, being on this Earth. For the future of our children, for the present of our civilization. Where everyone can discover their own abilities, their own reason for being here, to fulfill their incarnation plan. To benefit this Earth. To make its fauna and flora flourish, its life, its future and the harmony of its present.

Many of us have incarnated for these reasons, and we are taking our place in this gigantic plan to rebuild this planet, which we call the New Earth, where the notion of a conscious community will begin to grow in the heart of humanity. Like a seed that will allow them to remember that this is how we should live. United by the Love of God that flows through our hearts, united by the Love of Nature that flows through our hearts. United by the Love for others that flows in our hearts, and also for ourselves.

Unity will blossom once again in the heart of Men. And it will be planted by each one of us, in the hearts of others, showing them the example of what a healed human being is, driven to one's highest expression, in the service of others, and away from all the traps of temptation, the abuse of power in all its forms, to be just a humble servant of God, remaining in self-love and in the realization of all one's unique potential of incarnation, whatever that may be.

We are at the dawn of this transformation for humanity, a great turning point that is beginning to take shape, where everyone will take their place in this gigantic cosmic dance of rebuilding a civilization that will once again be at the service of the One. May we always keep this memory and this vision, through our third eye, alive in our hearts, to keep it as the highest potential for the development of this race. And when all our hearts are united in this visualization, in this manifestation, we will feel and know the true Power of Unity when it comes to manifesting something that can transform an entire group, an entire Collective.

These are metaphysical laws and our hearts were made for it, our third eye was made for it, our energy was made for it. To manifest the beautiful, the good and the true, to co-create Eden on Earth and elsewhere, as a direct manifestation and representation of the return of the Kingdom of God. We are the mirrors that allow the unified fields to come down here, take their place and change the very constitution of this reality. This happens through us, and every time a being manifests within themselves the incarnation of the Cosmic Christ, the embodiment of the Natural Laws in their reality, they allow themselves to be an anchor point for these energetic Laws to begin to be repositioned in this space-time. One becomes an anchor point for the Law to work where it is placed, and if others join in their common love for God, then this energy circuit increases, this anchor point increases for the Earth. And if a whole community unites in its common love for God, in its common will to become a hub of ascension, then the Law can descend, the new Law can descend.

The new geometric and geomantic forms can be put back into this reality, to rebuild the very basis of reality, of life on this planet. This is the power we have, this is the opportunity we have, this is the joy we will experience in this life, having contributed to the very modification of reality from a quantum point of view, from an esoteric point of view, from a cosmic point of view, from a human point of view. There is no greater joy than this, than to see a higher reality blossom for this Earth, after all this terribly dark Age we have known. This power lies within each one of us and can only be activated by the love of God that flows within us.

And this love is built, developed and multiplied when we are aligned with the 7 principles of the Law of One. May we always remember this and move forward with this Law in our hearts, and see the growth of our virtues, our powers in the service of the divine, our powers of healing and our power to attract to us all of life's circumstances, souls, encounters and events that will always allow us to grow towards our next greatest probability of expression for this Earth.

It is Ascension and it is the most beautiful thing that can happen to us, despite the difficulties it includes in our lives and the symptoms it includes in our being, particularly in the different phases of the dark night of the soul that we go through at different times during these phases of expansion, when we have to deconstruct and reconstruct everything in us and around us.

May we remember that we cannot build a new city on infected ruins. We have to clean up first before we can replant and see this luxurious forest and its crystal constructions emerge from a healthy soil. It is our intrinsic structure, our level of integrity that must increase and be perfected if we want to be the representation, not only mystical but also quantum and physical, of the return of the Kingdom of God to this Earth.

Removal of the Seal of the Mark of the Beast

Humanity is going through a period of massive healing and expansion, during which many human beings, Indigos and Starseeds, will experience a radical change in their personal perspective. In other words, the very way we see ourselves from the inside is going to change radically in this short window we've been going through since the Lion's Gate (08.08.2024), which propelled us to new levels of discovery and exploration of ourselves and our relationship with the rest of the world.

This is not to say that these windows of opportunity won't occur again, but it usually takes certain planetary configurations or constellation alignments for us to receive the energy transmissions needed to move to a higher level as individuals and also as a Collective. We are in the middle of a great window of readjustment right now, where we have the opportunity to completely remove the false lenses that others have placed upon us and see ourselves through the truth, the ultimate truth that our third eye is now able to perceive through all our spiritual and healing work.

So, transformation is real and it means that when we free ourselves enough, we can perceive reality more accurately, including ourselves, with our qualities, our virtues, our goodness and also our defects, but without judgment, knowing what created this pain in us, what created these limitations, these reactions and these triggers in us, so that we can now completely heal and remove these patterns from our physical experience here.

The Guardians reveal that this massive inner transformation is the result of the removal of what they call “the seal of the mark of the beast” (2). And I have been strongly guided to share this with you at this time, as the Guardians have insisted that it is very important to understand that our DNA was blocked and restricted so that we cannot activate our divine genome.

(2) Note Anabela: This genetic seal (implemented at the level of morphogenetic fields) is known as the 666 Seal. Today there are already Starseeds without this seal, who have managed to remove it themselves due to their enormous internal healing work.

This seal was placed on us through implantations and various forms of hybridization throughout the creation of the human form we now inhabit. This seal was created by negative extraterrestrial races who wanted human beings to be their slaves and not what they wanted to be. It's like implanting a chip in someone's brain so that they remain their slave, so that they don't question reality, so that they don't question their condition, so that they don't question why they are a slave, so that they don't question what is outside their prison.

This inner seal was placed in several places at once, as it is a multidimensional device that is actually blocking our expansion, which is a direct violation of the Law of One, which we have already talked about in this newsletter. This is why several highly advanced races have returned to this reality, to first inform civilization about this DNA alteration, in order to keep this race as a colony. A colony of slave laborers and energy suppliers, as well as an intergalactic trafficking of human beings and a slave trade that we also talked about in a previous Newsletter, here (3).

(3) Note Anabela: The link leads to Laura Marie's newsletter from June 2023, in its original language of French. At the time, I didn't share it on this site. If you don't understand French, you can always use your internet browser's automatic translation.

The advanced races that are working in unified cooperation to bring the truth to civilization are aware of the many violations that these races have committed on this planet and in this humanity and are now working with individuals on the ground to bring this to the attention of the human public and to help human beings to unlock the seal of the mark of the beast, to reactivate their divine genome, the part of their DNA that was given by the true benevolent races who gave their genetics to Men to be born and who created human DNA. Thanks to their immense love for creation and for the opportunity to finally create on this planet a race evolved enough to manifest God's will in a physical body, up to this dimension.

This was the original goal of the creation of the human race before its fall due to forced hybridization, heavy trauma, lies and manipulation. And now we are waking up from this nightmare to transform our lives into a dream, that of joining God once again through our hearts, minds and bodies and making this Earth a Paradise once again.

The removal of the seal of the mark of the beast was the Guardians' promise to Humanity as direct Defenders of Truth and direct representatives of Divine Justice. But it is up to each human being to make the conscious decision to move away from their slave state, to want to break out of their limited slave state, and to expand into the unknown of what it really is to be a healed human being, to be a human being who has grown so much on the inside that they can now remove the bars of their prison by themselves, the blocking components of their DNA by their personal will and by understanding that the power of God circulating inside them is stronger than any artificial implant placed inside them, in their Consciousness, in their body, in their DNA, because DNA responds to Consciousness, to the organic Soul in priority, over any other artificial order.

We have the power to overcome any artificial signal, any artificial wave, any sound wave and any directed beam, recovering our true divine power that originates within us, and reactivating the true power of our divine stellar DNA that we can reactivate right now in this window, that is, in this very large and very important window of opportunity to unlock the true potential of our DNA.

This is happening at this very moment, when the Earth's energies are favorable to this process, because the conditions on Earth are now favorable to this process; because as we know, these last few years have been full of dramatic events that have brought us to very low frequency levels, where death was the main frequency with which we were bombarded throughout the day.

We are now leaving the frequency of death to re-enter Heaven, Paradise. And through this high frequency state - because once again the conditions on Earth are favorable in this window of opportunity, through the revelation of the truth that is happening right now on the surface of the Earth - this brings us to a high level that is sufficient to free us from the seal of the mark of the beast and that is why they used so much darkness during the Olympic Games ceremony, the recent ceremonies, to release the beast, Beelzebub, and all the dark lords they could produce thanks to all the energy we are able to generate from human admiration, inadvertently, for the Anti-Christ. Humans have been used to celebrate the Anti-Christ all over the world without even knowing it, and their energy has been used to feed the beast, the same beast that blocked their DNA. The same beast that has enslaved them for eons. But it's time to break free from it once and for all.

We are the pioneers of Ascension. We are greatly supported by the many advanced races who are overseeing this process and are truly proud that we are all standing up for the Truth and for ourselves. We are freeing ourselves from all conditioning, mental and physical slavery and becoming the free spirits and sovereign beings that we are. Once again, this is the real Victory and the real celebration we must commit to in front of the mirror. I am free. I am free. I am free. I am free. My conscience is free. I am fulfilling my Soul's purpose and I am a true representative of Self-sovereignty.

May these words resonate deeply within you to awaken you and remind you of your true power in God and in Christ-Sophia. The power of the divine masculine and the divine feminine united in you to free you from all hindrances and bondages. And to open the door to the Kingdom of God in your heart thanks to this reunification. This is the true goal of the alliance of our two polarities. To overcome the illusion and break the seal of the mark of the beast. It is the true Ascension.

I hope that these words have comforted you and that they bring you Strength and Hope in your reality, may you be free if you so choose. May all the Guardian Races protect you on your path, so that you may realize your true destiny, and may we all rise up and help each other in this liberation as a Collective, in Unity, Truth and Love. And may we rise together again as a unified field of consciousness, free of all superimposed traumas and bondages.

We are the free collective human race that will rise again as God would have it be, and that will protect this Earth from new invasions. Who will protect its children from slavery and trafficking. Who will protect the Earth from destruction. That will protect the water from further poisoning. We are the ones we have been waiting for. We are the ones we would like to see more of on this Earth. And it's time to rise to our true position on this Earth, as we were meant to do as Guardians of this planet, Guardians of this realm and beyond.

The Template of the Edenic Woman and the Edenic Man

Many female Starseeds incarnated today in a female human body have decided to come and contribute to bringing the template of the Edenic woman back to Earth, after this cycle of terrible inversions, misogyny, attacks against the sacred feminine and the reign of the lunar woman on this Earth. By lunar woman, we mean a woman who uses her genitals to lead men to herself instead of to God.

This is an inverted function of the genitals. And as we know, inversion is Satanism. Sexuality is still very little understood at this stage on Earth, where human beings consider sex, the sexual exchange of fluids, of energy, in the context of an intimate relationship, as simple personal pleasure, without including God in the relationship. As long as God is not included in the relationship with oneself and with others, the capital sins (4) come into play and devour the energy of both individuals, making them sexually insatiable. Hence the subsequent arrival of perversion or addiction.

(4) Note Anabela: By "capital sins" we mean the subversions of the ego that consequently lead to Possessions.

The only way to rediscover the unity within oneself, of these two polarities of feminine and masculine that we all have, whether we are men or women, is to first unite with God in order to unite with God with the other. Then there's the concept of sacred sexuality, which we won't go into in detail today, but which deserves to be mentioned when we talk about the contribution to the Earth of the template of the sacred solar feminine (5) and the sacred solar masculine.

(5) Note Anabela: For more information, read article: Solar Mother-Goddess Vs False Lunar Goddess

Every woman is responsible for her energies, every man is responsible for his energies, and mastering one's sexual energy is part of the skills that a being on the path to mastery must develop. The Edenic Woman Template comes from the stars and advanced cosmic races, such as the Pleiadians, Venusians and Lyrans, who united to give birth to human female genetics in its greatest splendor and infinite connection to God.

A woman's body was not designed to lead a man into the hell of slavery through her genitals, but to God. What is our intention when we enter into a relationship with a man? Is it to make him obsessed with us, or to lead him to connect with God, through the love that flows between the two sacred crystal hearts? This is the question we have to ask ourselves to ensure that it is the model of sacred sexuality and sacred union with God that is being installed in us, to be progressively installed on Earth.

The model of sacred sexuality has nothing to do with all the distortions that are also currently present on Earth, through deviations from the original sacred spiritual teachings, such as Tantrism, the Kama Sutra, and all kinds of deviations, human digressions, then made to what were once parts of the Universal Truths about sexuality in their original state. For many of us, all of this is yet to be discovered, as we gradually make our way towards reconnecting with who we really are as divine and sovereign beings, united with God.

The loss of unification with God leads to Satanism, that is, to falling into the illusion of matter, to violence and the separation of the sexes, or even to the destruction of the sexes, as it is happening today (6). The template of the sacred feminine descends once again to this Earth through the female prototypes who have agreed to carry within them the template of the Edenic woman and the male prototypes who have decided to carry the template of the Edenic man.

(6) Notes Anabela:

  • All the orchestration around transgenderism, non-binary, etc., is to make humanity believe that being a man or a woman (or even artificial) is the same thing. But it's not! Being a man or a woman is much more than just genitalia. There are even differences in energy voltage!

  • Did you know that if someone is born a woman and changes her gender to “man”, she still has an energetic womb? At soul level, she is still a woman and it is even possible to do a Feminine Energy Reading. On the other hand, if someone is born a man and changes his gender to “woman”, this reading will never be possible because he doesn't have, nor ever had, a womb. The womb is the channel of creativity and connection to the Source in Woman!

  • I've read somewhere that there are currently women with “XY” chromosomes and men with “XX” chromosomes. This is not natural! The same goes for people born hermaphrodites. These cases happen because of the various manipulations made by the NAA on human DNA over time, whether through vaccines, GMOs, abductions for hybridization experiments, cloning, etc. By the way, clones have no soul (they are managed by the non-organic matrix known as AI), but they share the consciousness of the original Being, even affecting the consciousness of that Being!

  • The fact that there are now elementary school girls having their first menstruations is due to distortions in their DNA and hormonal system, made through vaccines, GMO infant food, etc. All to lead children to a precocious sexuality, to subversions of the ego and, consequently, to Possessions.

Both have to unite their polarities within themselves, reconcile with each polarity, heal each polarity, heal the relationship with themselves and the relationship with the other polarity. It's a fabulous work, an immense transgenerational healing that will actually serve all of humanity in a way that we often can't conceive of. Because this template will exist for future generations, even if we don't have physical descendants. Because it's a template that is created in the etheric and mapped to our entire genetic lineage.

This means that our guides can then whisper the way to this template to other Starseeds, Indigos or incarnate human beings who come from the same genetic lineage or who are in the process of having their genetics rehabilitated by the Guardian or Venusian protocols. For the Venusians are very much in charge of bringing the prototype of the solar woman to Earth, the ascended female human prototype.

KA RA YA SA TA AA LA helps to anchor the Crystal frequencies within you and to remind you that the role of woman is to unite man with God and not to serve her. The creation of this prototype can include periods of abstinence of varying lengths, up to several years, in order to completely dismantle all the negative alien programs that prevent the connection to God and the perfect sovereignty of the sexual organs. Once this work is done, the being can gradually recover a healthy relationship with others, with both parts needing to be complete and healed beings, although this work is ongoing and will always continue, as we are always on a path of healing.

The prototype of the Edenic woman is returning to Earth, while lunar women are gradually losing their power on Earth, as the forces and energies that feed them are gradually expelled from this planet. Solar women will gradually reclaim their place on this Earth over the next few centuries, as this planet is being reeducated at all levels of society and formed during its ascension cycle.

If your concern, from a very young age, has always been to really understand what it is to be a woman or what it is to be a man, and in a way that may have seemed disproportionate to the rest of the world, you certainly have here the indication that your soul is here to prototype a higher template of being for the human race, and you can congratulate yourself on not having abandoned that path towards God, on having heard the call, followed the call and, to a certain extent, fulfilled the call.

It's up to us to decide to be victorious in our mission and not let interference get in the way. Despite the difficulties that all this requires, in such an upside-down society, where we are often alone when faced with choices that may seem marginal, insane or even something completely crazy.

Starseeds have a strong inner power to follow their inner voice, the one that always leads them in the direction of their greatest probability of expression and fulfillment in their service to God. They have a great inner strength that they must never forget, to lead the way, even when everything is dark, with their own inner glow and inner flame, directly connected to God.

May we support each other in this quest and this conquest, because we desperately need these prototypes on Earth to replace the old lunar prototypes and finally rebuild this civilization in the image of what it was and what it will be, what it was always meant to be. The original Guardians of Eden on this planet, as paradisiacal men and women, protectors and Guardians. The sacred Kings and Queens, united and serving God.

If we can all visualize and meditate on these templates to bring them a little deeper into us every day, regardless of what stage of development we are personally at, we can always take another step forward towards our next achievement, in our service to God, in our spiritual progress, in our personal expansion and fulfillment.

I send you much love and gratitude for your service on this Earth, with my most sincere encouragement on this path. I am with you and feel much Love from God in my heart and much Hope. Let us remain in the Light of Truth that our Soul whispers to us at every moment for our own path and I will speak to you again very soon.

In Love and Unity,

Laura Marie. »

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