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Documented physical proof of (biological) ascension

Hi! Did you know that (biological) ascension through deep meditation is possible and has also been scientifically proven? Well, that proof can be found in this clip from the 2nd episode "The Lost Kingdom" of the 16th season of the documentary "Ancient Aliens" by the History Channel:

NOTE: Although I don't agree with a lot of the information in this documentary series, where, for example, they say that our creators are the Anunnaki (information purposely distorted by the Dark Cabal), this information about Ascension in particular, contained in this episode, is very interesting indeed and goes along with the information presented in Lisa Renee's July Newsletter. Here is the related excerpt from that newsletter:

« Kunlun Mountains, Mount Kailash and Rainbow Body

Most of the references made confirming the existence of the Rainbow Body have been connected to the eastern philosophies and esoteric spiritual factions that source from ancient Tibetan Buddhist teachings that originated from the Melchizedeks that were originally living in the Lop Nur and Tibetan mountainous regions. There are many pyramidal shaped mountains of various sizes in this region, which may be actual remnants of humanity’s lost advanced civilization in which our ancestors understood how to harness the energy currents running throughout the ley lines and nodal points, for the benefit of humanity.

There are Tibetan, Chinese, white and brown skinned Melchizedek genetic lineages connected to the angelic human 12 Essene Tribes that were protecting the 8D and 9D planetary stargate system during several NAA raids. They were drawn to the primary planetary stargates in the Tibetan Plateau and the border with China, as this region was designed to function as the universal antahkarana or rainbow bridge for the Universal Mind and the Universal Kundalini currents coming in to the planetary grid system from the Andromedan matrix. These groups hid in the Kunlun Mountain range and went further south, down into the underground cave systems near Mount Kailash, in which they founded the ancient origins of the Tibetan civilization. These maji grail tribes were known as the Zhun Zan and the Zoo Zen, which further tells of the secret history of Tibet, through the story of the beginnings of the ancient kingdom they founded in the area of Mount Kailash named Zhang Zhung. The spiritual kingdom was founded upon the intelligence of the sacred geometric principles of the Universe, connected to the 9D Rainbow Bridge as the axis mundi, and based upon the esoteric spiritual wisdom teachings of the Law of One taught by the Founder Melchizedeks in the earliest forms of Buddhism, connected to the mysteries of the Solar Anointed Christ-Buddha Initiation.

Thus, these original teachings are extremely ancient and suffered dilution over vast periods of time coupled with several rounds of civilizational collapse, what remained in oral traditions became the origin of several orders of Tibetan Buddhism, including Bon and Zoroastrianism. The Bon religion currently believes its teachings to be from the oldest known traceable source, some believe it originally came from Zoroastrianism or Kashmiri Buddhism. However, these and several other contemporary eastern religions source from the original Melchizedek rainbow ascended master teachings that were given to them through Founder Law of One knowledge connected to their original maji grail lines in their specific DNA records for that Essene Tribe.

From this sprouted the Kunlun and Kailash spiritual mythologies that are based upon sources of various legends, myths, and historical accounts of the modern Kunlun Mountains and the pyramidal shaped Mount Kailash (Mount Meru) of the Tibetan Plateau. In Hinduism, Mount Kailash is believed to be the holy abode of Lord Shiva, where the mountain is surrounded in mysterious sacred forces of divine nature and supernatural activity, as the repository of wisdom held for humanity’s global enlightenment, making it unclimbable by the common man. Kunlun and Kailash each have specific spiritual mythologies that are considered to be the archetypal forces of God’s divinity and wisdom, manifested on top of the mountainous peaks where the supreme Gods connect the Heavens with the Earth. It is considered to be the stairway to heaven, making it the sanctum sanctorum of eastern religions and the most important spiritual and cosmological center of the world. There are numerous sites close to Mount Kailash also referred to as Mount Meru, that are associated with Padmasambhava, as it is also considered to be his spiritual abode and source of ancient wisdom, whose tantric practices in holy sites around Tibet are credited with finally establishing Buddhism as the main religion of the country in the 7th or 8th century AD.

Padma impresses upon me the fact that his interactions with tantric Buddhist teachings of the diamond path are exceedingly ancient expressions of Cosmic Christos, and that his cosmic consciousness records extend into the solar logos embodiments within both Celtic Arthurian and Merlin mythologies and the Tibetan-Mongolian mythologies of Gesar of Ling. Further, through these ancient religious texts written in Sanskrit and through oral traditions, it is said that each face of Mount Kailash is made from a precious gemstone; north is gold, south is lapis lazuli, the west is ruby and the east is diamond crystal. Mount Kailash is the Holy Mountain architecture that anchors the Universal Diamond Pillar Gateway, through which our current Guardian projects have extended into the realization of the Blue Rainbow Arc bridge for the return of the authentic Ascended Masters.

Thus, both Mount Kailash and the Kunlun Mountains are extremely sacred to several eastern religions. Hindus, Tibetan Buddhists, Jains and Bon legends represent the Mount Kailash location as the axis mundi of the world, as the immense spiritual power and sacred place of the Gods, the Holy Family, that which gives animating life breath to humanity and helps to guide the civilizations of the material world. Mount Kailash is energetically connected to many significant monuments and sacred sites located around the world, such as the Pyramids of Egypt, Pyramids of Mexico, Easter Island and especially Stonehenge.

Thus, these sacred mountains and pyramids are connected to many religious descriptions depicting stories of beautiful palaces and gardens inhabited by various immortal spiritual beings, ascended masters and shamans, Gods and Goddesses, fairies, magical plants and healing potions which exist in a parallel dimension that is a spiritual paradise or Edenic reality. Shambhala, Agartha, and Gobi Desert are the retreat homes of the Ascended Masters, where initiates enter the ascension chamber and dimensional doorway in Mount Kailash to receive training, insight and spiritual knowledge. Herein lies the origin of the ancient special practices of esoteric Tibetan Buddhism, taught to the highest spiritual initiates of the monastic orders, to attain complete spiritual liberation through the conscious building of the Rainbow Body or Diamond Sun rainbow ascension vehicle. The process of attaining self-sovereign consciousness liberation, which ultimately results in the demanifestation of the physical body and full transmigration into cosmic consciousness.

The body of esoteric Buddhist teachings focus upon self-mastery processes in order to clear, discipline and elevate the mind into neutrality of the zero-point, pure conscious observer presence, or as eastern philosophy refers to it, the mode of perception that is emptiness. Tibetan Buddhism teaches the Law of One universal principles that all tangible matter is made up of the five elements; fire, aether (space), air, earth and water, which are built in their geometric forms as the platonic solids which form into the blueprints of morphogenetic fields. These elements constitute the entire building blocks of DNA that comprise universal creation, and are represented in the manifestation of angelic humanity’s 5-Star physical body, a basic 12 stranded DNA diamond sun body. The five primary elements of all creation are made upon five color waves of solar ray frequencies, which are called upon through the frequencies of emerald green, azure blue, pale red, golden yellow and white. The process to realize the rainbow body, is to attune to the five elements in their purest organic consciousness in which the raw materials that make up the human being’s physical body DNA are re-absorbed back into their true spiritual nature. They are reabsorbed as organic rainbow consciousness units, through the merging that occurs between the human biology with the five elements in creation, as connected to their five unique color wave spectrums. Consciousness movement merges with the element of air to oscillate energy spirals into fire, from the spirals of divine fire emerges water, and from the watery magnetism emerges the solidity of the earth element, where the combined elements unify and alchemize into the magnetic collapse of the physical body into the elemental forces of nature, spiraling into the highest frequencies of the cosmic rainbow consciousness.

At the exact time of complete physical merge with the five elements as aurora rainbow consciousness units, to an observer, the physical body of that individual either radically shrinks or completely disappears or demanifests. The individuals body actually still exists, but has transfigured into the consciousness ray identity which has utilized the pattern of the five elements for the energy matrix of the elemental physical body, and their respective rainbow color frequency.

In these particular Tibetan Buddhist teachings there are two possibilities for realization of the rainbow ascending vehicle which can be achieved through spiritual dedication towards a virtuous life, which is referred to as a normal level of rainbow body that happens during the death process and a supreme transference of rainbow body that happens during a fully conscious exit. During the phases of realizing a normal rainbow body, the consciousness and physical body will be undergoing the processes of physical death. As the consciousness is gradually detaching the silver cord from the physical body’s elemental form, over a few days the physical body will begin to shrink and get extremely small, similar to the size of a toddler or newborn baby. When the consciousness identity has fully left the body, some physical remains will be visible to onlookers, but the body will have radically shrunken in size or there will be some minor physical artifacts left behind.

With the supreme transference rainbow body, the entire physical body and consciousness layers are reabsorbed into the natural elements of creation in which transfiguration of the physical body occurs and there is no death process involved. When this occurs, there is nothing of the physical body that remains behind, the individual’s physical body simply appears to have completely vanished, yet there may be flashes of white light and rainbows appearing to the onlooker. The supreme transference of rainbow body has been rare, as it requires the embodiment of the purest crystal hearts filled with the love of God. However, this has been witnessed many times in the Tibetan regions when manifested by some high-level masters, and it is known to be the specific path of Tibetan Buddhist diamond sunship that was taught near Mount Kailash until supreme transference was consciously chosen by the rainbow ascended master, beloved Padmasambhava.

The gentle reminder to spiritual seekers in light of this awareness, is to know that spiritual knowledge requires personal responsibility to be diligent with virtue-ethics and to be in dedicated service to others. It is high risk to become fascinated with achieving these supernatural powers through the lens of personality-ego, as chasing these abilities without loving kindness and compassion may lead to black magic sorcery, when one is in pursuit of accessing spiritual power purely for the benefit of the self. »

I remind you that Ascension is only possible biologically and never by having your consciousness transferred to AI. I invite each of you to meditate, to do Discernment by Heart (and Mind of course). Use protection tools, cleansing, ego work, etc. Keep your sacred space protected. I also remind you that Ascension is not about being teleported (or taken) to a spaceship.

May Profound Peace Be with you! PAX!



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